My last post about the Tyranny of the Movies has me thinking about Lisa, Alex, Eric and my trip to the Rugby match last Friday. There was some big guy and his date sitting in two of our four seats about midway down the row. I guess this is understandable since we were late and missed half of the first half. I would have assumed the seats were empty as well.
So we see that someone is in what we think are our seats, so I go get one of the usher -type guys and have him confirm our seat and I’m hoping he will ask the guy and his date to move. He really doesn’t seem to want to play this role. Maybe my fears about asking a large drunk guy and his date to move is a dangerous thing—hence my grabbing the usher. Anyway, eventually I signal that we have 4 tickets and the guy moves after the commotion has raised to a significant level and is impacting folks watching the match.