
By Douglas Mazina

The Pork Quest Continues

The emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.  I ate at the Chinese BBQ King.  It was okay, but fell to number 3 on my list of best BBQ Pork in Sydney’s CBD.  I had the BBQ Pork on dry noodles.  I’m pretty sure now that dry noodles aren’t dry, but they aren’t in a soup like…

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By Douglas Mazina

Observatory Hill

Observatory Hill overlooks a good part of Sydney Harbor including where Lisa and I lay.  There is a formal Observatory that most likely served folks well until Sydney got bigger and light pollution got greater.  I hate light pollution.  One of the great things about being in the bush is that you can see so…

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By Douglas Mazina

Radio Casbah!

I enjoyed and learned so much from Gerry’s Safety & Sea Survival Course, that I signed up for the Marine Radio Operator’s Course his was delivering on Tuesday the 5th.  After passing the test at the end of the day, your dual HF & VHF Radio License.  I hope I passed it, won’t know for…

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By Douglas Mazina

Being All Wet

Been a bit tardy on my blog lately; I guess I’ve been busy.  On the weekend of May 2-3rd, I attended my Yachting Australia (YA) / Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Safety & Sea Survival course.  It was being held at the Mosman Bay Sea Scouts Meeting house.  Think of it kind of like boy scout…

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By Douglas Mazina

ANZAC Parade

ANZAC day in Australia would be close to what we in the states might call Memorial day.  It is a very important celebration, most likely on par with Memorial day services in Washington DC.  It feels like Australians respect and honor their military more that we do.  It is something I have to think more…

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By Douglas Mazina

Miscellaneous Oddities

The other day, Lisa and I were working in the office and we heard Dearth Vader from Star Wars breathing quite loudly.  We looked to make sure neither of us were watching some Youtube trash on our laptops.  His breathing was coming from outside our window and was punctuated with a gargled voice.  Here he…

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By Douglas Mazina

Elegy and Why I Hate Buff Old Men

Lisa and I took in Elegy the movie based on Philip Roth’s book Dying Animal on Saturday.  It was only playing at a few theatres down here so we ended up at the Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace in Cremorne.  As an aside, the best way to find out what is playing where on the Internet…

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By Douglas Mazina

Windy Sundays on the Harbor

Sunday was a sailing day, Lisa and I woke up and I went and got us breakfast and we lounged on the Costco chase that we bought several years ago with a broken leg at a reduced price.  When we bought it, we said that it would just be around for a short while.  Well…

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By Douglas Mazina

“Why You’re Not So Special”

Newsweek’s article entitled, Generation Me: A new book says we’re in a narcissism epidemic. Why you’re not so special is an interesting read.  In a world where people feel the need to tweet multiple times a day to share with their followers or friends what they are doing a x moment or thinking about during y,…

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By Douglas Mazina

Menoporsche and Volvoid

One of the sections of the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) paper that I like to read on Fridays and Saturdays is their Drive section.  Their Tony Davis wrote in his column about some of the new vocabulary.  For example, the complex that Lisa and I live in has lots of Porsches in the underground/underwater parking…

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By Douglas Mazina

Does Your Restaurant Have a Hat

I’m beginning to think Lisa has a dining out plan.  She has a book from the food guy at the Sydney Morning Herald and we refer to it when we are thinking about trying a new restaurant.  So far, it has been on target.  On closer examination, this food critic also employs a number of…

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