Author: Douglas Mazina

By Douglas Mazina

Sound Relief

On Saturday March 14th, the day before Lisa’s daughter Alexandra and her Husband Eric arrived in Sydney, Lisa and I went to Sound Relief concert.  It was a benefit concert to raise money for the Red Cross support of the Victorian Bushfire Appeal and was held at the Sydney Cricket Grounds in Moore Park.  It…

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By Douglas Mazina

Walking Tour of the Rocks

My blog, like a lot of things, is somewhat out of order from a chronological perspective.  But this I do know, before getting downed by food poisoning mentioned in the preceding post, Alexandra, Eric and I went on a walking tour of the Rocks.  Our tour guide was Dee and she was a wealth of…

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By Douglas Mazina

I Dislike Food Poisoning

I’m sure you must too.  As part of our every day lives, we forage out for food that we did not have much to do with in the way of production.  At those times we are at the mercy of someone else providing this food.  On Tuesday afternoon, I made a fatal mistake, nearly fatal. …

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By Douglas Mazina


In the States, we give a lot of lip service to conservation and being green, but from my observations of Sydney, they take it a lot more serious.  For example, travelling at peak times across the Sydney Harbor bridge costs a higher toll than crossing at non-peak.  Another example, using electricity at peak times during…

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By Douglas Mazina

Darling Harbor continued

Front Paddies Market, we stroll to Darling Harbor.  Officially, I don’t think Darling Harbor really starts until you are on the left side of the bridge (see map below), but the whole neighborhood is commonly referred to as Darling harbor. Windows Live Writer really rocks.  If you are blogging without it, you might as well…

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By Douglas Mazina

If You Like Ships

This one appeared on Monday the 17th parked at the pier next to ours.  I’m not sure what class of ship it is, but I’m going to call it a Clipper.  After all, I have seen the film Master and Commander 1.77 times.  I think Lisa and I could be quite comfortable aboard such a…

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By Douglas Mazina

Nothing Up My Sleeve

Sydney being a large city has its challenges with parking. Usually the fee for parking on the street is 2 or 4P.  I see lots of motorcycles and scooters parked, but I don’t see that many people driving them, so I guess that people in the suburbs surrounding the Sydney CBD drive them in, park…

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By Douglas Mazina

Thursday the 12th in Sydney

For the kind readers in the States, that would be Wednesday.  I know Lisa and I must have some upscale neighbors from the looks of some of the cars in our underground parking area: View Full Album I personally dig the Cadillac and the Lamborghini the most.  Of course there are a bunch of Hondas,…

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By Douglas Mazina

First full day in Sydney

Well, it was Saturday the 7th when Lisa and I got moving again.  For some strange reason, most likely ambient light, we awoke around 6:30am.  Lisa needed to prep or a few hours for a gig she has this upcoming week with a bunch of educators, so I lounged about reading the daily newspaper before…

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By Douglas Mazina

Friday the 6th – Arrival in Sydney

It is kinda strange when you start dancing across the Internation Dateline.  I was in San Francisco on Sunday night after barely making it out of Austin, Texas.  I had been in crunch mode for the better part of two months trying to get things in New Orleans and things in Austin organized. In New…

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