Author: Douglas Mazina

By Douglas Mazina

“Why You’re Not So Special”

Newsweek’s article entitled, Generation Me: A new book says we’re in a narcissism epidemic. Why you’re not so special is an interesting read.  In a world where people feel the need to tweet multiple times a day to share with their followers or friends what they are doing a x moment or thinking about during y,…

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By Douglas Mazina

Menoporsche and Volvoid

One of the sections of the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) paper that I like to read on Fridays and Saturdays is their Drive section.  Their Tony Davis wrote in his column about some of the new vocabulary.  For example, the complex that Lisa and I live in has lots of Porsches in the underground/underwater parking…

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By Douglas Mazina

Does Your Restaurant Have a Hat

I’m beginning to think Lisa has a dining out plan.  She has a book from the food guy at the Sydney Morning Herald and we refer to it when we are thinking about trying a new restaurant.  So far, it has been on target.  On closer examination, this food critic also employs a number of…

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By Douglas Mazina

Brief Saturday

Lisa dropped me off at Rushcutters Bay at 9am for my sailing lesson and and then she headed to Paddies market and bought a treasure trove of fresh organic veggies. Lisa picked me up and we got home and bbq’d Hawaiian chicken that I had marinating for two days and some excellent Tasmanian Salmon that…

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By Douglas Mazina


What a man of leisure, such as myself, needs more than anything else is additionally vices to fill his time.  I guess I could do golf like untold millions of folks that wander onto grass tightly mowed by others and use a club to smack a ball in one direction or another several times before…

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By Douglas Mazina

Slowing to a hobble

Sorry there haven’t been a lot of updates to the blog lately, but things around our Sydney household have slowed a bit.  Last Sunday, whilst I was off at my second sailing lesson, Lisa was at her yoga class and there was a bit of a mishap and she injured her hamstring.  The Monday after…

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By Douglas Mazina

Couple of Thumbs-Up Aussie Wines

Lisa has really excellent taste in wine, especially reds.  I have fair taste and a greater feeling for money in my pocket.  Here are some of the wines that we have been enjoying of late.  I doubt many of these are in the states, but might be worthwhile to keep an eye out. First on…

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